Contoh Penguguman Kompetisi Menari Dalam Bentuk Bahasa Inggris


Announcement in advising to entire/all society RAPPANG which wish to follow the competition dance   All of you have to follow the conditions sbb : REQUIMENT TO FOLLOW DANCE COMPETITION 2013

  1. 1.   Each dance team consisti of 5 person min. and max. 10 persons
  2. 2.  Participant must fill out and take form registration not later  than 13 rd November 2013 with participant attach name and pain the registration fee (Rp.100.000,-/dance team).
  3. 3.  Must privide your own songs in the CD Audio islam                  bernuansa with a duration of 3 minutes ( selected by commitee)

4. Hilarious clothes Yana and draw

  1. 5.  Absolute jury decision can not be contested

  . In executing  Day/ date of        : Wednesday, 13 November 2013 Time              : 19 : 30 WIb Place             : Monumen Bamboo Runcing, RAPPANG     ARTINYA

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