Announcement in advising to entire/all society RAPPANG which wish to follow the competition dance All of you have to follow the conditions sbb : REQUIMENT TO FOLLOW DANCE COMPETITION 2013
- 1. Each dance team consisti of 5 person min. and max. 10 persons
- 2. Participant must fill out and take form registration not later than 13 rd November 2013 with participant attach name and pain the registration fee (Rp.100.000,-/dance team).
- 3. Must privide your own songs in the CD Audio islam bernuansa with a duration of 3 minutes ( selected by commitee)
4. Hilarious clothes Yana and draw
- 5. Absolute jury decision can not be contested
. In executing Day/ date of : Wednesday, 13 November 2013 Time : 19 : 30 WIb Place : Monumen Bamboo Runcing, RAPPANG ARTINYA